ISO 14001:2015 Certification

What is ISO 14001 Certification

ISO 14001 is a standard that specifies the requirements for an environmental management system and can be certified. It lays out a framework for establishing an efficient environmental management system for a firm or organization.

It can provide assurance to firm management and staff, as well as external stakeholders, that the environmental effect is being measured and addressed. It is designed for any sort of organization, regardless of its activity or sector.

Benefits of ISO 14001:2015 Certification

Using ISO 14001:2015 has many benefits for organizations with environmental management systems. Organizations and companies find that using the standard helps them:

  • Improve resource efficiency
  • Reduce waste
  • Drive down costs
  • Provide assurance that environmental impact is being measured
  • Gain competitive advantage in supply chain design
  • Increase new business opportunities
  • Meet legal obligations
  • Increase stakeholder and customer trust
  • Improve overall environmental impact
  • Manage environmental obligations with consistency

Have a question or need consultation in regards to ISO 14001? Contact a consultant below.


An Environmental Management System requires a documentation system to collect, analyses, register, and retrieve information. ISO 14001: 2015 is applicable to and can benefit any organization – irrespective of size, industry or type of product or service delivered – and can provide assurance to company management, employees and external stakeholders that environmental impacts are being measured and improved.

Section 4 – Context of the Organization

The ISO 14001:2015 standard requires evaluation of the internal and external influences relevant to the organization’s purpose that could impact meeting the objectives of the EMS. These influences include any environmental condition, either affected by the organization or that could affect the organization. The organization must also:

  • Understand and consider the needs and expectations of the interested parties
  • Determine which of the needs are, or may become regulatory requirements
  • Determine and document the scope of the EMS and make it available to all interested parties

Section 5 – Leadership

The ISO 14001 standard directs the leadership of an organization to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the EMS. Top management of the organization must:

  • Take responsibility and accountability for the effectiveness of the EMS
  • Establish an Environmental Policy and ensure objectives are aligned with corporate strategy
  • Integrate the EMS into the organization’s regular business practices
  • Provide adequate resources for implementation and continued support of the EMS
  • Promote a culture of continual improvement regarding protecting the environment

Interested in ISO 14001 Certification?

Feel free to contact one of our representatives.