ISO 10002 Certification

What is ISO 10002 Certification

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed the ISO 10002 complaint-handling process in 2004. The accreditation, which is open to businesses of all sizes and sectors, helps companies manage complaints so that customer satisfaction remains high and their products remain creative.

According to the ISO 10002, customer satisfaction is defined as a “customer’s perception of the degree to which the customer’s requirements have been fulfilled” while a complaint is an “expression of dissatisfaction made to an organization, related to its products, or the complaints-handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected”.

If you handle client complaints well, you’ll have a better chance of reaching their expectations. And, if you look at customer complaints as an opportunity to enhance what you do and how you do it, you can swiftly turn them into customer satisfaction. ISO 10002 can assist you in achieving this, regardless of the size or nature of your company. A customer complaints management system is a fundamental yet necessary component for any organization, particularly those that wish to grow and succeed.

Have a question or need consultation in regards to ISO 10002? Contact a consultant below.

Benefits of Customer Complaint Management

  • To analyze trends and sources of complaints, and improve operational efficiency.
  • Adopt a more customer-centric strategy to resolve more concerns.
  • Encourage employees to take advantage of new customer service training options.
  • To boost overall efficiency, combine ISO 10002 with ISO 9001.
  • Your complaint management method should be monitored and improved on a regular basis.

ISO 10002 addresses the following issues in the process of dealing with complaints from external customers:

  • Enhanced the organization’s ability to enhance its product and customer service by developing a customer-focused environment that is open to feedback (including complaints), addressing any complaints received and building a customer-focused environment that is open to feedback (including complaints).
  • Management commitment is demonstrated through proper resource procurement and deployment, as well as people training.
  • Recognizing and responding to complainants’ needs and expectations.
  • Providing a complaint process that is open, effective, and simple to use.
  • Complaints are analyzed and evaluated in order to improve the product and customer service quality.
  • The complaint-handling mechanism is being audited.
  • Examining the complaint-handling process’ efficacy and efficiency.

Interested in ISO 10002 Certification?

Feel free to contact one of our representatives.